Technical Support Policy

Media Cybernetics Technical Support Policy


The Media Cybernetics Technical Support Policy covers important aspects of our commitment to your success while using our products. We offer many options to access our dedicated team of professionals to solve your most challenging imaging application. These policies will detail the assistance you can expect from our team and will provide you with the information necessary to compare the services we provide.


Media Cybernetics offers the following technical support services to assist with any question or guidance you may require.

Services Description
Live Remote Support Troubleshooting and Software Operation Assistance
Live Onboarding Installation, Configuration, Basic Operation and Orientation
Training Scripted course of imaging topics
Advanced Services Custom assistance with your specific workflow, process, macro development, or AI model training
Development Services Macro or App Complete Development Service
Free Online Resources Online help, community forum, onboarding

Remote Support

Remote Technical Support provides you with answers to technical issues that may arise with software purchased from Media Cybernetics or through a Distribution Partner. Technical issues are defined as software operation assistance, basic instruction on software tools, and configuration. Note that AI model training and macro development are not included in the Remote Support service.

Examples of Live Remote Support Incidents

  • Troubleshooting of software operation or installation
  • Configuring calibrations
  • Camera or other devices' MediaCy software troubleshootin
  • Work with 3rd party hardware companies, if possible, to troubleshoot issues.
Live Onboarding

Live Onboarding provides you with an introduction and orientation for your new product purchase along with an overview of our support offerings. Onboarding covers Installation, Configuration (including hardware setup and calibration), Basic Orientation (myMediaCy portal and essential product features), Overview of all Technical Support Services (Training, Advanced Services, and Development Services), and a Basic Introduction to your specific product features. When onboarding is completed, you will have an installed, licensed product configured for your application and a basic introduction of the major licensed features. For an in-depth discussion of your specific application or advanced imaging topics, we suggest considering our Training or Advanced Services offerings, described below.


Training is offered for specific imaging and product topics. All active products are available for training.

Advanced Services

Advanced Services provides assistance with any imaging issue, process, workflow, report, macro you are coding, and AI model training. Advanced Services are available at dedicated scheduled times with an hourly rate.

Development Services

Development Services are available to provide you with a custom turnkey solution for your most challenging imaging requirements. After consultation to determine your needs, we will develop a custom macro script, app, or plug-in as a fixed price project.

Free Online Resources

There are several free online resources available through the myMediaCy portal. Help documentation, community forum, and self-guided onboarding may be accessed for no charge at any time if you have registered your free myMediaCy account.

Success Plan Offerings

To ensure your peace of mind and to provide the best possible support, we offer Success Plans subscriptions which will provide you with full access to a selection of our technical support services as shown below. Success Plans are available in three tiers: Standard, Professional, and Ultimate. Use this table as a guide to decide which Success Plan is right for your needs.

Features No Plan Standard Professional Ultimate
Self Service Support
Basic Training Video Library
Help Documentation
Access to Public Community Forums
Access to Live Remote Technical Support
Configuration (i.e. Camera setup & Calibration) Extra
Troubleshooting of software Extra
Version Support
Support for all Active Products Extra
Patch Releases for Supported Versions
Includes bug fixes & minor improvements
Upgrade Protection
Version Upgrade with existing modules
Uptime Guarantee
Temp license while issue is resolved
Priority Access Options
Submit Tickets through online web form Extra
Live Support Phone number & Call back Extra
Additional Services
Live Onboarding (2 Hours) Extra
Protocol Pass
Al Model Pass
License Server Onboarding (first time only) Included Included Included Included
License Server Support Extra Extra Extra
Training (2 Hours) Extra Extra Extra
Advanced Services (2 Hours) Extra Extra Extra
Development Services Extra Extra Extra Extra
Success Plan Coverage

Success Plans are available for full coverage of all active product licenses for a site. Every active product license located at a lab or facility must have a valid Success Plan license associated with it.

Any service included with the Success Plan must be used during the annual term of the plan. A renewal of the Success Plan will provide another year of the expired services.

No Plan

Even without a Success Plan, we offer many free options to learn how to use our products and create your imaging solutions. A fter registering for your free myMediaCy account, you may access our Help documentation, obtain product patches, and engage with a forum to provide free answers from our imaging community. Additionally, remote support, training, and all other services are always available as a single incident session.

Standard Plan

Our base Success Plan offering is the Standard Plan which includes everything for those without a Success Plan plus the following: one Live Onboarding session and unlimited Live Remote Technical Support is included in our Standard Plan offering.

Professional Plan

The popular Professional Plan offers everything in the Standard Plan plus upgrade protection, live phone call back support, the Protocol Pass, and the AI Model Pass.

Ultimate Plan

For the best of our support and services, we offer the Ultimate Plan. The Ultimate Plan offers everything in the Professional Plan plus Uptime Guarantee, License Server Support, Training (2 hours max), and Advanced Services (2 hours max).

Single Incident Offerings

All our Technical Support services may be purchased as single incident sessions. This provides you with maximum flexibility for your specific requirements with or without a Success Plan subscription. Single incident remote support will provide you with the same coverage as if you were on a Success Plan.

A valid myMediaCy account is required to purchase single incident remote services.

For other services, Live Onboarding, Training, Advanced Services, or Development Services, please contact Media Cybernetics.

Technical Support Details

Upgrade Protection

Upgrade protection will provide no charge upgrades when a new product release is available that is a paid upgrade. This will ensure that you have the latest new features and fixes as soon as they are available. Patches will still be available for all customers to obtain bug fixes.

Uptime Guarantee

Uptime Guarantee will give you temporary product licenses to use for any purpose. Typically, if there are equipment or license issues, these temporary licenses may be deployed so that your downtime is minimized. This service is exclusive to Ultimate Plan subscribers and is only available for Image-Pro 11.0 and higher.

Uptime Guarantee Licenses are temporary timed licenses for 30 days, limited to number of licenses per facility, and expire after a year. This service provides one use of uptime licenses for any purpose for the length of subscription (one year). Additional licenses may be requested to handle variable needs during the year.

Protocol Pass

The Protocol Pass grants access to all our imaging protocols for your product. As new protocols are developed, you will receive them at no extra cost.

License Server Onboarding

License Server Onboarding provides advanced assistance to get you up and running quickly with License Server. We will work with your IT group to ensure that the server is configured and has the proper network access. All purchased licenses will be activated and available. License Server Onboarding is included with the purchase of the License Server product.

License Server Support

License Server Support will provide assistance with any License Server issue which may arise. Network configuration changes or security updates which affect the License Server operation are common occurrences and this service provides you with assurance that you will be covered, and your downtime is minimized. License Server Support is available exclusively with the Ultimate Plan or as a Single Incident session.